Sunday, June 18, 2017


I'll get to the pee part later.

This week was way good. Like we went to Nagasaki for exchanges and I worked with this crazy Brazilian named Elder Campos and he's so funny and drinks coke everyday and is often late home because he buys coke. Haha what a weirdo. Anyways well Nagasaki is pretty much one Main Street and from there goes up into the mountains. Why anybody originally lived there, I'm not sure. Pretty much think of people living in the Andes mountains and you get what I'm saying. Like Machu Piccu man. Anyways so we were walking and talked to a ton of people and got wrecked like nobody would talk to us. Well as we are walking we stopped this black dude who is from Ghana and talked to him and it turns out he's going to try and come to church, but will be there at 1600 also for a lesson. So like he is super solid. Then we went to McDonalds for dinner and a bunch of girls were taking pics of me as I was waiting in line. It's always so obvious but I guess when you stand out like me it happens. Then we walked to the top of this mountain. Like it was crazy and we started knocking doors on the way down and nothing was really happening but we did the whole street down and I
saw this small apartment building with two lights on and I was like lets do that then go home so we did and made two return appointments. Now if you can do math you would see that that apartment building was 100% return appointment ratio. Pretty sweet. Felt the spirit testify and it was good. For sure the first college guy that answered was pretty solid. Then Elder Campos had to go poop way bad so we went to the nearest conbini. Well he goes in and then like he's there for a while and I'm just standing there awkwardly and then all of a sudden our new Ghanaian friend walks in and then Elder Campos walks out and the Ghanaian dude is like no way i live like 200 meters down the street! That's way cool. I'll see y'all on Sunday at 1600 at the church! And that was that. Way cool miracle.Then I was like dang Elder Campos your poop took too long and I don't even know the area but I know enough to know we gotta run for a decent part of the trip home. Plus we had to buy ice cream for the apartment, and of course a coke for him haha, so we ran. Well we ran a long ways and then started walking and then we passed this college girls and I was like すいません
which is excuse me, because we were in a hurry, and they laughed and were saying that maybe they should have responded in English but they didn't know what to say and then laughed and me and Elder Campos understood obviously and we laughed, fist bumped and then started running again. Well it turns out we were a little late because of the poop incident but it worked out great and it was a good night.

Anyways enough with that there's been a couple of good experiences these last couple of weeks. So because we have been trying to be healthy, we have been drinking tons of water, like I drink probably like 6-8 liters a day. So anyways because of that we have had to pee a
lot, and for some reason it always hits right before we are going to visit someone, like way bad. And so there's been a couple of times when straight up I pray before we knock on their door that I wont have to pee while we teach them a lesson because if we go find a bathroom
we will be late. And the coolest thing happens. During the lessons there is no signs of having to pee. And you gotta understand that like this isn't just a regular bathroom break, its like a whole liter is ready to come out at any second and then all of a sudden for a half hour or more that gets put on hold with nothing. Then as soon as we get back to our bikes it happens again and then we rush to a bathroom. It's happened to both me and Elder Jo, even at the same time. Haha but it just goes to show that the Lord will answer your prayers, even if it seems like it's silly, if it matters to you, it matters to Him. He loves you and wants the best for you, even if that means holding your bladder for a half hour as you teach someone the gospel. He's a pretty good guy if I do say so myself. I know he's helped me in little ways as well as in the big ways. He helps me everyday somehow. I'm so grateful for that.



Me and Campos
Campos and his coke
District pic at Indo Curry
Nagasaki Eki. Usually there's a ton more people. The mountains get higher and you see 
houses with literally 40 stairs to get to the door because the mountain is so steep, but it's 
not like Shacks because this isn't poverty filled like the Philippines or Central America. 
This is JAPAN and normal people with lots of money live in this nice houses built into 
mountains for some reason.
A toilet requesting men to sit down and pee because they are trying to minimize
splashing pee on the seat because it's a women's toilet also. 

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