So that's Chinese for
私は末日聖徒イエスキリスト教会の宣教師です。So whoever says that Japanese and Chinese are the same can now see that they are completely wrong. So I've been studying some Chinese and its really hard without anything to learn basic grammar structures but
I have a vocabulary book for missionaries (for other missionaries in japan, its a mandarin version of the ninja) and its been cool trying to figure out some Chinese. I don't know too much but its not that difficult so like I might just become a tycoon of Asian languages.
Actually it is my goal to be fluent in Japanese and Chinese because my childhood dream of serving a mission in China is still in effect. But like Chinese is easy though so its okay.
Anyways speaking of Chinese people this week on exchanges me and Elder Erickson found a Chinese guy that got a Chinese Book of Mormon in like Tokyo or something so we got his phone number and life is good. I haven't called him back yet but I'm excited. His Japanese is pretty good and he is a college student. His name is Go. We also made two return appointments in an apartment building and we will see how they work out. We got to this place we planned with like 20 apartments and we prayed and narrowed it down to two buildings next to each other. We did one and it kind of sucked haha nobody would listen it was annoying but we had time and I looked at him and was like we said we would do both so lets do it. We were able to find two people that are willing to meet us again, and one of them was super pumped to make a return appointment so we will see how that goes tomorrow night when I got on exchanges with Elder Ericksons bean Elder Smith.
We, since we don't have the most investigators in the world right now, have decided to go visit a ton of less actives. Well it turns out they aren't really ever home but we have been able to teach a couple of them and they really appreciate it when we go over. We are going to
keep working with the less active members of the church. There was a cool experience actually. So there's this less active guy named Katae and he uses the church parking lot lol totally wrong but whatever. He parks his car and rides his bike to work, and then rides his bike back and gets in his car haha and like never comes to church. He's straight savage. But so the other week he texted us and gave us tons of treats and drinks to give to members for always using the parking lot. Well a member got permission from the branch president to contact him and invite him to church cleaning and well he came and stayed the whole time, probably worked the hardest, and it was such a long time for him to be in contact with the members, it was a really good experience and we are confident that just through the little things he can and will begin to come back. He even openly out of his own initiative talked
about his own conversion story and such. He has a lot of potential and we are excited for that.
That is pretty much the coolest thing that happened this week. We saw a lot of wildlife and nature this week. Like turtles and ducks. Ducks are my fave animal anyways. There was these ducks that were a couple and the man duck was like protecting the lady duck and it was way cute. It makes me want to get married.
Elder Tschirki
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