Friday, June 2, 2017


So yes its true everybody, Elder Tschirki and his companion Elder Jo are dieting. Elder Tschirki is trying not to be fat anymore and get down to 80 kg (currently sitting at 85/86 kg) and Elder Jo is trying to lose the fat in his face because his family told him on Skype his face was fat. They are diligently cutting anything that can hinder their weight loss progression out of their diet and working out in the morning. Elder Tschirki warned Elder Jo of the dangers of going into a straight vegetarian diet including lack of energy and mood changes and always tired. He didn't believe him and a short week later started feeling all of the promised symptoms of malnutrition. Elder Jo is readjusting his diet this week, and even will reconsider starting a diet whereas Elder Tschirki is still full of energy because he diets
correctly. He has lost about 2 kg this last week or so and will continue to get into supermodel condition to get married to a 美人 as soon as time allows.

Well yep we are dieting meaning eating lots of salads, and fruits and vegetables and for me still eating some meats and lots of eggs and drinking TONS of water and the body feels healthy and great. We don't need those big old oversized American diets to be happy. My commitment to everybody this week is to really consider what you are putting into your body and think about the WHYS. Why am I eating this? Why am I drinking this? Why do I eat this much? Why do I think I need to eat right now? If you do that you will begin to take better care of your body and live the way God wants you to. Let us avoid the gluttonous
lifestyle and be healthy.

Speaking of America, Osprey, the military aircraft, has come to Saga. Nobody knows why. There was protests about it and the members in the church were like "yeah that's scary and completely unnecessary. There's no reason to be here." And now a lot of people are scared.
Like the only negative thing that happened in saga is there ridiculously high traffic accident rates. It's like the worst in all of Japan. HA that's where I'm riding my bike everyday, but still
haven't been hit since I was in Naze.

So yeah this week was full of trying to find people to teach and its hard going out everyday and not being able to find anybody who is willing to meet. It can be frustrating. We met this one guy who was way cool and young and as soon as he saw us he just yelled at us and got into the car and drove off. He had a nice home, nice car, nice clothes, nice family pics in his house, etc. He had everything he needs at like 25. That's really rare. But he rejects the gospel which everybody needs. So me and Elder Jo went on to talk about that and I talked about how money is the root of all evil like it says in the Bible. You see, Elder Jo wants 300 million by the time he's 30. That's a ton. But he doesn't want him or his family to be prideful. So me
being true to myself was like "ha that's like impossible." And we had this great conversation about becoming rich and such. The gears are moving in his head about what I am saying and we've been able to see him change from a more worldly view at the beginning of our time
together to a more spiritual view. He actually straight up told me that I make him think and evaluate himself and his thoughts and actions a lot and those have helped him come closer to the Lord. Perhaps while I am here in Saga my greatest investigator has been my companion the whole time, the person next to me everyday. It is very possible. We always have deep conversations about the gospel and politics and pretty much everything and we come out with more understanding, and like he said to me, he comes out with even just a
slightly changed perspective, and a slightly changed understanding of the gospel that has strengthened him and lifted him higher to be able to change his life and come unto Christ more. Anyways so as we were talking about all of this we knocked on this one lady's door and there was just the light in her eyes. It was a light so bright you can't help but be drawn to it. As we talked to her we learned why she had this pure, Christlike light. She isn't Christian, in fact she said she will probably never be Christian. She explained that her existence is
because of a long line of her ancestors and that she is here because of them and their sacrifices. She has this honor that she feels that she needs to give to them through the actions she does everyday in her life. She said when she dies she believes she will have the
opportunity and the responsibility to report to her family and others what she did in her life and how she honored them and served them. But here's the thing that was interesting. There are people that bring honor by obtaining wealth, controlling nations, and every other
worldly mean out there. Not once did she mention any of those. She said what will give them honor is service and loving everybody purely. She said that is the purposes of her life is to love and serve. She said that in order to do that she lives to make the person in front of her feel like she loves them and that they are important, at least to her. As she was saying this there was this undeniable feeling of peace and love. In fact while we were talking to her somebody, an old lady, came up to her driveway with something to give her and the lady we are talking to without hesitation ran down to greet her and help her out and wished her a good day, ran back, and continued talking. It's just a small thing that happens all the time but her intentions are so pure. We testified to her about the restored gospel and how it will
help her and how she is essentially already living it and she was listening to it but turned it down. She is just a random Buddhist lady in the middle of nowhere out here in Saga. Her neighborhood was the farmlands by a baseball stadium. But she had a pure light of Christ in
her. It reminds me of the scriptures about charity that we read throughout the New Testament and Book of Mormon. Moroni 7:47 says "But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him." This lady doesn't know the impact she had on us. We don't even know her name. But the way she lives is the way every Christian should desire to live. It is the way that man was intended to live. In peace and love, desiring to help others feel loved, respected, and
important, while knowing you will have to report on what you did in this life and report on how you honored your family, loved ones and God. So that leaves me for a second commitment today. What are you doing to honor your family and God? What are you portraying to others about who you are? About who the God you believe in is? If there's
anything out of line with what you believe, change it. If there's anything you may not be doing, do it.

Love you all!

Elder Tschirki

Hana chan didn't want to be in the picture hahaha she's so adorable.
A couple of my salads.

Me and a member made some gold plates on Friday night at our activity night while elder Jo taught English, and then the member wanted us to take a pic of translating the plates like Joseph Smith.

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