Sunday, June 18, 2017


First things first, I'm way OP at life because I challenged Elder Lyman to a pizza eating competition because he talks so much trash about how he can eat more but I have beat him every time. Before I had 5 okonomiyaki and he had like 3.5. THEN we went to Indo curry and I had 7 nan and he had 5. Well he's still talking trash so I challenged him to pizza at the all you can eat pizza place by the apartment and lets just say I won at 4 and a quarter pizzas by myself. By the way I am still skinny like it made no effect on my dieting.

Well this week was pretty crazy. First we were knocking on doors and this door was open in this super ghetto apartment building and there was a dark skinned fellow cleaning without his shirt on and so I yelled inside and he came out and was super happy and was rubbing his
belly the whole twenty minutes we talked to him. He's from Nepal and LOVES Jesus. He was like "Teach me about the Jesus Christ. The Jesus Christ life, everything" and like yeah he told us to come back anytime after four, "today, one week, two weeks" and so we were like um how about tomorrow? And he was way pumped and he said he would bring his roommates and we would talk about Jesus Christ. Well we met a bunch of the friends as we left and they were all pumped to learn about Jesus. Well we go back the next day, so on Friday, and the friends are there waiting and they let us in and sit us down and have us start teaching haha we were like whoa bro like the main guy isn't even here but we started and we were teaching these four Nepalese guys in English in this super ghetto apartment but there was a point where I thought "man this could be pretty dangerous I could be stoned our beheaded but wait they're Nepalese not ISIS" but they were all chill and all have tons of interest in Jesus Christ. But the thing is though they don't have interest for more than like 20 minutes haha. Or like 5 and so it's really hard to keep them focused. Well so we finished teaching our boy Manoj and he's like "yeah when I go back to Nepal I'm going to be baptized" so clearly we need to teach the Restoration to our Nepalese homies. They said they might go to church but didn't this week but our meetings are pretty solid I'd say. They are also meeting with Jehovah's Witnesses (I'm not sure how they communicate lol) and they said "yeah Japanese people think that Jehovah is God and Jesus is like Jehovah's son" and we were like ummmmm nah that's just the witnesses. Anyways pray for my boy Manoj Kumar Ghratan and his three other friends.

Then we met this lady in another apartment yesterday and we were just talking and then she hands me this jar and asks me to open it. She's like 25 with a little boy both in pajamas and now I have this jar so I open it and it was pretty hard to open, she had been trying for a while so it was kind of sweaty, but like I opened it and gave it back and she was like "okay I'll listen now" and so we taught how the gospel will bless and strengthen her family and she was willing to make a return appointment and said that pretty much she is home every afternoon so we are going back Friday but I don't know how solid she is. It was just kind of funny how her talking to us was apparently contingent on me being able to open the jar. Maybe that's how we find new investigators.

Then me and Elder Lyman on last Monday made an appointment with this lady from Toitsukyo and simply they believe something along the lines of Jesus didn't finish his mission and was killed and then some other Jesus type person was born in Korea and started this church to finish Jesus' mission that he was sent to do, and she believes it way
hardcore. Well we came back and talked to her last night, her name is Nakano, and we were just testifying about the Book of Mormon and then she goes crazy on a bunch of questions about Adam and Eve and Satan and the fall and all of this and she was just firing questions left and right and we were able to answer them all and she was like "wow you guys have answers for all of that. Our beliefs are still a little different though" and we were like yeah #2 Nephi 2 as a commitment and she took the book and is open to reading it and learning for herself and so we will see what happens there. We are going back next week. She also was going to give me a pair of shoes haha. I'm wearing shoes from a returned missionary that fit perfectly so I can preserve my nice Doc Martens I bought before my mission and so the shoes I am wearing are worn out pretty good and she was going to give me shoes. She's a way nice lady and we really truly need the spirit with us way strong when we testify to her.

So just like that in like three days we have like 6 new investigators. Like I don't know what the heck happened. We went through nine weeks of teaching one guy Kenji every week. But also he accepted the invitation to pray by himself.

The district. Elder Ishizu is going to Okinawa. I still haven't gotten my transfer call, but I have bought a rain jacket for the first time in my mission. Lol
 Imamura Shimai took us out to yakiniku and I went way hard like its 
expensive yakiniku and so obviously gotta eat your moneys worth


I'll get to the pee part later.

This week was way good. Like we went to Nagasaki for exchanges and I worked with this crazy Brazilian named Elder Campos and he's so funny and drinks coke everyday and is often late home because he buys coke. Haha what a weirdo. Anyways well Nagasaki is pretty much one Main Street and from there goes up into the mountains. Why anybody originally lived there, I'm not sure. Pretty much think of people living in the Andes mountains and you get what I'm saying. Like Machu Piccu man. Anyways so we were walking and talked to a ton of people and got wrecked like nobody would talk to us. Well as we are walking we stopped this black dude who is from Ghana and talked to him and it turns out he's going to try and come to church, but will be there at 1600 also for a lesson. So like he is super solid. Then we went to McDonalds for dinner and a bunch of girls were taking pics of me as I was waiting in line. It's always so obvious but I guess when you stand out like me it happens. Then we walked to the top of this mountain. Like it was crazy and we started knocking doors on the way down and nothing was really happening but we did the whole street down and I
saw this small apartment building with two lights on and I was like lets do that then go home so we did and made two return appointments. Now if you can do math you would see that that apartment building was 100% return appointment ratio. Pretty sweet. Felt the spirit testify and it was good. For sure the first college guy that answered was pretty solid. Then Elder Campos had to go poop way bad so we went to the nearest conbini. Well he goes in and then like he's there for a while and I'm just standing there awkwardly and then all of a sudden our new Ghanaian friend walks in and then Elder Campos walks out and the Ghanaian dude is like no way i live like 200 meters down the street! That's way cool. I'll see y'all on Sunday at 1600 at the church! And that was that. Way cool miracle.Then I was like dang Elder Campos your poop took too long and I don't even know the area but I know enough to know we gotta run for a decent part of the trip home. Plus we had to buy ice cream for the apartment, and of course a coke for him haha, so we ran. Well we ran a long ways and then started walking and then we passed this college girls and I was like すいません
which is excuse me, because we were in a hurry, and they laughed and were saying that maybe they should have responded in English but they didn't know what to say and then laughed and me and Elder Campos understood obviously and we laughed, fist bumped and then started running again. Well it turns out we were a little late because of the poop incident but it worked out great and it was a good night.

Anyways enough with that there's been a couple of good experiences these last couple of weeks. So because we have been trying to be healthy, we have been drinking tons of water, like I drink probably like 6-8 liters a day. So anyways because of that we have had to pee a
lot, and for some reason it always hits right before we are going to visit someone, like way bad. And so there's been a couple of times when straight up I pray before we knock on their door that I wont have to pee while we teach them a lesson because if we go find a bathroom
we will be late. And the coolest thing happens. During the lessons there is no signs of having to pee. And you gotta understand that like this isn't just a regular bathroom break, its like a whole liter is ready to come out at any second and then all of a sudden for a half hour or more that gets put on hold with nothing. Then as soon as we get back to our bikes it happens again and then we rush to a bathroom. It's happened to both me and Elder Jo, even at the same time. Haha but it just goes to show that the Lord will answer your prayers, even if it seems like it's silly, if it matters to you, it matters to Him. He loves you and wants the best for you, even if that means holding your bladder for a half hour as you teach someone the gospel. He's a pretty good guy if I do say so myself. I know he's helped me in little ways as well as in the big ways. He helps me everyday somehow. I'm so grateful for that.



Me and Campos
Campos and his coke
District pic at Indo Curry
Nagasaki Eki. Usually there's a ton more people. The mountains get higher and you see 
houses with literally 40 stairs to get to the door because the mountain is so steep, but it's 
not like Shacks because this isn't poverty filled like the Philippines or Central America. 
This is JAPAN and normal people with lots of money live in this nice houses built into 
mountains for some reason.
A toilet requesting men to sit down and pee because they are trying to minimize
splashing pee on the seat because it's a women's toilet also. 

Friday, June 2, 2017


So that's Chinese for
私は末日聖徒イエスキリスト教会の宣教師です。So whoever says that Japanese and Chinese are the same can now see that they are completely wrong. So I've been studying some Chinese and its really hard without anything to learn basic grammar structures but
I have a vocabulary book for missionaries (for other missionaries in japan, its a mandarin version of the ninja) and its been cool trying to figure out some Chinese. I don't know too much but its not that difficult so like I might just become a tycoon of Asian languages.
Actually it is my goal to be fluent in Japanese and Chinese because my childhood dream of serving a mission in China is still in effect. But like Chinese is easy though so its okay.

Anyways speaking of Chinese people this week on exchanges me and Elder Erickson found a Chinese guy that got a Chinese Book of Mormon in like Tokyo or something so we got his phone number and life is good. I haven't called him back yet but I'm excited. His Japanese is pretty good and he is a college student. His name is Go. We also made two return appointments in an apartment building and we will see how they work out. We got to this place we planned with like 20 apartments and we prayed and narrowed it down to two buildings next to each other. We did one and it kind of sucked haha nobody would listen it was annoying but we had time and I looked at him and was like we said we would do both so lets do it. We were able to find two people that are willing to meet us again, and one of them was super pumped to make a return appointment so we will see how that goes tomorrow night when I got on exchanges with Elder Ericksons bean Elder Smith.

We, since we don't have the most investigators in the world right now, have decided to go visit a ton of less actives. Well it turns out they aren't really ever home but we have been able to teach a couple of them and they really appreciate it when we go over. We are going to
keep working with the less active members of the church. There was a cool experience actually. So there's this less active guy named Katae and he uses the church parking lot lol totally wrong but whatever. He parks his car and rides his bike to work, and then rides his bike back and gets in his car haha and like never comes to church. He's straight savage. But so the other week he texted us and gave us tons of treats and drinks to give to members for always using the parking lot. Well a member got permission from the branch president to contact him and invite him to church cleaning and well he came and stayed the whole time, probably worked the hardest, and it was such a long time for him to be in contact with the members, it was a really good experience and we are confident that just through the little things he can and will begin to come back. He even openly out of his own initiative talked
about his own conversion story and such. He has a lot of potential and we are excited for that.

That is pretty much the coolest thing that happened this week. We saw a lot of wildlife and nature this week. Like turtles and ducks. Ducks are my fave animal anyways. There was these ducks that were a couple and the man duck was like protecting the lady duck and it was way cute. It makes me want to get married.

Elder Tschirki


So yes its true everybody, Elder Tschirki and his companion Elder Jo are dieting. Elder Tschirki is trying not to be fat anymore and get down to 80 kg (currently sitting at 85/86 kg) and Elder Jo is trying to lose the fat in his face because his family told him on Skype his face was fat. They are diligently cutting anything that can hinder their weight loss progression out of their diet and working out in the morning. Elder Tschirki warned Elder Jo of the dangers of going into a straight vegetarian diet including lack of energy and mood changes and always tired. He didn't believe him and a short week later started feeling all of the promised symptoms of malnutrition. Elder Jo is readjusting his diet this week, and even will reconsider starting a diet whereas Elder Tschirki is still full of energy because he diets
correctly. He has lost about 2 kg this last week or so and will continue to get into supermodel condition to get married to a 美人 as soon as time allows.

Well yep we are dieting meaning eating lots of salads, and fruits and vegetables and for me still eating some meats and lots of eggs and drinking TONS of water and the body feels healthy and great. We don't need those big old oversized American diets to be happy. My commitment to everybody this week is to really consider what you are putting into your body and think about the WHYS. Why am I eating this? Why am I drinking this? Why do I eat this much? Why do I think I need to eat right now? If you do that you will begin to take better care of your body and live the way God wants you to. Let us avoid the gluttonous
lifestyle and be healthy.

Speaking of America, Osprey, the military aircraft, has come to Saga. Nobody knows why. There was protests about it and the members in the church were like "yeah that's scary and completely unnecessary. There's no reason to be here." And now a lot of people are scared.
Like the only negative thing that happened in saga is there ridiculously high traffic accident rates. It's like the worst in all of Japan. HA that's where I'm riding my bike everyday, but still
haven't been hit since I was in Naze.

So yeah this week was full of trying to find people to teach and its hard going out everyday and not being able to find anybody who is willing to meet. It can be frustrating. We met this one guy who was way cool and young and as soon as he saw us he just yelled at us and got into the car and drove off. He had a nice home, nice car, nice clothes, nice family pics in his house, etc. He had everything he needs at like 25. That's really rare. But he rejects the gospel which everybody needs. So me and Elder Jo went on to talk about that and I talked about how money is the root of all evil like it says in the Bible. You see, Elder Jo wants 300 million by the time he's 30. That's a ton. But he doesn't want him or his family to be prideful. So me
being true to myself was like "ha that's like impossible." And we had this great conversation about becoming rich and such. The gears are moving in his head about what I am saying and we've been able to see him change from a more worldly view at the beginning of our time
together to a more spiritual view. He actually straight up told me that I make him think and evaluate himself and his thoughts and actions a lot and those have helped him come closer to the Lord. Perhaps while I am here in Saga my greatest investigator has been my companion the whole time, the person next to me everyday. It is very possible. We always have deep conversations about the gospel and politics and pretty much everything and we come out with more understanding, and like he said to me, he comes out with even just a
slightly changed perspective, and a slightly changed understanding of the gospel that has strengthened him and lifted him higher to be able to change his life and come unto Christ more. Anyways so as we were talking about all of this we knocked on this one lady's door and there was just the light in her eyes. It was a light so bright you can't help but be drawn to it. As we talked to her we learned why she had this pure, Christlike light. She isn't Christian, in fact she said she will probably never be Christian. She explained that her existence is
because of a long line of her ancestors and that she is here because of them and their sacrifices. She has this honor that she feels that she needs to give to them through the actions she does everyday in her life. She said when she dies she believes she will have the
opportunity and the responsibility to report to her family and others what she did in her life and how she honored them and served them. But here's the thing that was interesting. There are people that bring honor by obtaining wealth, controlling nations, and every other
worldly mean out there. Not once did she mention any of those. She said what will give them honor is service and loving everybody purely. She said that is the purposes of her life is to love and serve. She said that in order to do that she lives to make the person in front of her feel like she loves them and that they are important, at least to her. As she was saying this there was this undeniable feeling of peace and love. In fact while we were talking to her somebody, an old lady, came up to her driveway with something to give her and the lady we are talking to without hesitation ran down to greet her and help her out and wished her a good day, ran back, and continued talking. It's just a small thing that happens all the time but her intentions are so pure. We testified to her about the restored gospel and how it will
help her and how she is essentially already living it and she was listening to it but turned it down. She is just a random Buddhist lady in the middle of nowhere out here in Saga. Her neighborhood was the farmlands by a baseball stadium. But she had a pure light of Christ in
her. It reminds me of the scriptures about charity that we read throughout the New Testament and Book of Mormon. Moroni 7:47 says "But charity is the pure love of Christ, and it endureth forever; and whoso is found possessed of it at the last day, it shall be well with him." This lady doesn't know the impact she had on us. We don't even know her name. But the way she lives is the way every Christian should desire to live. It is the way that man was intended to live. In peace and love, desiring to help others feel loved, respected, and
important, while knowing you will have to report on what you did in this life and report on how you honored your family, loved ones and God. So that leaves me for a second commitment today. What are you doing to honor your family and God? What are you portraying to others about who you are? About who the God you believe in is? If there's
anything out of line with what you believe, change it. If there's anything you may not be doing, do it.

Love you all!

Elder Tschirki

Hana chan didn't want to be in the picture hahaha she's so adorable.
A couple of my salads.

Me and a member made some gold plates on Friday night at our activity night while elder Jo taught English, and then the member wanted us to take a pic of translating the plates like Joseph Smith.


So I forgot when Easter was and it turns out it was like a month ago. Haha wow like that's crazy. I realized this two weeks ago but kept forgetting to email it so I finally did that too.

Skyping with the family was good and really fun like it was cool but it seems like we may need to start a GoFundMe for Elder Tschirki to get back to Japan. If someone could make a good case for me and get money, that would be much appreciated. I need $1000 for a plane ticket and the rest is covered. So someone go get on that. Like for real. If we raise over $1000 you get a portion of the proceeds. This is the realist thing I've ever said in my life. Someone get on it.

Anyways this week was good. It was cold and rainy a couple of days and another couple was like 28 degrees.

Investigator is doing pretty good. Still working on the faith aspect with him and it's taking time but we're working. He's cool. We also went to Nagasaki for zone conference and that's always fun. Had some good experiences there. The spirit was strong.

Got answers to prayers and love fasting so life is good there.

Not really mi h going on right now so yeah ha all I got is the GoFundMe so please and thank you. My visa is good until 2020 too.

S/O to the jazz for making the playoffs this year and doing pretty good. The power of prayer is true, one day I selfishly prayed for it to not rain haha it was pouring down rain. Well after I prayed I just felt this peace and the rain didn't stop but I wasn't irritated about the rain at all anymore. It was just like my attitude completely changed. If you pray from the heart and tell God your innermost desires and hopes and fears, you will always come away from prayer better. You might not get what you want, but you will come away a better person and honestly just more happy. That's so wonderful. It's true.

Saga was one of the first places to revolutionize and modernize in Japan and was crucial in the destruction of the samurai period and helped modernize Japan. So they have the cannons outside the castle. I could read most of it too mom even though it's hard and historical, like I can do Japanese 

Notice NHKs advertising in the back lol

The greatest piece of writing known to mankind written to the world from living prophets, seers and revelators.