Tuesday, January 26, 2016


So I got the call... I'm still in Shimonoseki for another transfer and my new companion is Elder Lotti and I'm excited to be here for at least one more! Four transfers! 

This last week was interesting. One of our investigators just suddenly dropped off the face of the earth and we can't contact him anymore... Weird. We're still going to try occasionally though. The other said he was way too busy with school. So that was our investigators for the week. 

Anyways... IT SNOWED! Like a ton! And it's super windy and freezing! I love it! And it's only getting colder because February is the coldest supposedly. Exciting! Because there was a centimeter of snow everything but sacrament meeting was cancelled and I had the  privilege of playing the organ (YES) and we all gave five minute talks just on the spot so that was intense. 

The last couple of days have been interesting because my companion has been packing and we've had a lot of people want to take us out to dinner. We had dinner on Sunday with the Seko couple and yesterday with the Fukunaga's and had okonomiyaki and it was so delicious and then tonight we're going to get yakiniku again with Koganemaru Shimai and Isouda Shimai. This branch is so great! I love it here! Also, after dinner on Sunday we didn't have very much time but we felt like we should go to a nearby apartment so we did, and sure enough the first out of two contacts we got there we made a return appointment. God is so great!

ALSO we made mochi on Saturday in the snow and what you do is pound rice with a giant hammer and make mochi which is just gooey, sticky rice and it's so delicious! Unfortunately I don't have pictures on my iPad but it was so much fun! Japan's culture is the best!

I love you all!

Elder Tschirki

Okonomiyaki is like a giant pancake with squid and octopus and noodles and whatever you want and it's so delicious. We also had chicken throat and my favourite food, cartilage, oh and also whale bacon.



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