Monday, February 1, 2016

The Snow is Gone:(

Hey so yeah I'm still in Shimonoseki which is great! 

* They are having a specific challenge that I didn't want to mention in details here on the blog. Privacy and all! The next paragraph is referring to that challenge.*

I remember something that Horstmeier Choro told me. He said he heard from a general authority or somebody that if you pray with real intent and plead before God to show you what you need to read out of the scriptures and then open them up, you will find what you need to do, so of course I tried it and I opened up to Jacob 5 of course, so I thought to myself that it didn't work and I read the two pages anyways. It's at the end of Jacob 5 and the Lord tells his servant to go gather the other servants, and he can only end up gathering a few. It then says that those few who do all of the work and work diligently to keep ALL of the Lord's commandments will be blessed and have joy. It says it right there! You have to obey ALL of the commandments, and work hard for the blessings and you WILL receive them and have joy in the Lord. So yeah that is where my thoughts have been.

Anyways this last week, not much happened. We spent the first half of the week packing and I said bye to Horstmeier Choro who was one of the biggest studs and hardest workers in the mission. I really miss that guy but he's in America right now so there's not much to do about that. Then we got the two new guys and Colton Choro's new companion, Mismash Choro is a stud. Anyways church was great and everyone was like, "Why are you and Colton Choro still here, you've been here since September! That's a super long time to be in one area" which it really is a long time and we have seen each other every day for the last seven months which is INSANE. That never happens. Anyways I will keep you all updated over the next week or so! We are going to go out and start working now that we have time. Hopefully I don't die. Keep us in your prayers.

Anyways on that good note I love you all and appreciate all of your support!

Elder Tschirki

 At the bike shop with a flat tire
 The girl I'm going to marry from the bike shop. :)

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