Monday, January 4, 2016


So since Friday not much has happened. We did have the best yakiniku (cooked meat with raw egg) I've ever had last night at the Hiramatsu's last night and their 10 year old granddaughter is way better than me at piano. Anyways that's about it.

Oh cool story. There's a brother in our branch who decided two months ago he was quitting the church and his kid is waiting on his mission call. He comes to church yesterday and gets up in sacrament meeting and just cries and said he was sorry to everyone and bore his testimony hardcore. He said it was because of the persistence of one of his friends in the branch in addition to his kid Genki and as he would sit there stubbornly they would give him blessings almost forcibly (he didn't say yes or no, he just sat there) and tell him that they're going to go to the temple when he gets his recommend renewed and eventually it just really touched him and he said the worst mistake he had ever made was making his 92 year old mom worry about him and his family (she's a member too).

So don't quit the church! Keep going! Rescue those around you! Your choices don't just affect you but everyone around you! God wants you to be happy and the only way to find true happiness and peace in this life is through His teachings!

I love you all!

Elder Tschirki

Last night, Colton Choro on the left, and my companion Horstmeier Choro on the right. Natchan (her real name is Natsuki) and Hiramatsu Kyodai. Best night ever! I love this family so much!

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