Last week Egan Kaicho did a surprise tour with the Assistants on boosting faith and Yamaguchi zone was the first place they went. Just imagine the first thing your mission president says when it's his turn to speak is "Where is your faith? Where is your faith?" It was a very edifying experience that made everybody wonder where our faith was, and why our mission is one of the lowest baptizing in Asia North Area and why the church isn't growing. He said the problem comes down to consecration and that missionaries here aren't as consecrated, meaning we aren't as dedicated to the Lord. Yes we are still hard working but there's a completely different level needed, meaning that we have to give EVERYTHING to the Lord. As we've done that and worked on building our faith, dendo has improved. Our quality of teaching has improved and we have been making return appointments, even if they don't show up, we are making them which is improvement. That's only been a week's worth of differences. Over the next two years as my faith grows and turns into pure knowledge (see Alma 32 and also read Ether 3 and how he had faith and after he had faith it become knowledge, also Ether 12) there will be more and more success, but more importantly is that I will become more of the person that God wants me to become. Being asked where your faith is isn't very comfortable, but nobody ever grew through comfort, but through effort. Work on your faith too! As you consecrate, you WILL see blessings. Live the higher law in Matthew and 3 Nephi. Live it and do it. You will see great blessings. I have.
Anyways I love you all! That's what's been going on!
Elder Tschirki
Us and Tomita Kyodai in one of his greenhouses. He's one of the funniest people I've ever met in my life.
Scarves and neckwarmers WOOT
My new old man pajamas with little birds on them.
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