Anyways, this week wasn't super eventful. We met a mom who was SO nice on her doorstep and we came back twice and visited her throughout the week. In the second visit we taught her how to pray and she did on the doorstep. Awesome!!! It was so amazing! But on the third visit Flippo Choro asked the inspired question "are you even really interested?" And she said she's interested a little bit but not a whole lot, and that she wouldn't ever join the church but she does want to learn more but not take lessons, so long story short, there's some interest but not enough to keep teaching so we are going to stop by whenever we are in the area and say hi to her and remind her about the Christmas party. She'll end up joining the church but the thing that's hard for missionaries is that people have to join at their own pace and level of understanding and making commitments.
One of our investigators told us that he would listen to other churches' missionaries too to know what the truth is. He wants to believe in something but he problem is is you don't gain a testimony and conviction through researching everything, but it comes rough spiritual witnesses of the truth and that only comes when you are being taught the truth! We only taught him once this last week.
Our other investigator comes to church almost every Sunday and he brings his friend with him but he doesn't read the Book of Mormon. He asked us out of the blue how our dendo was going and if we had people to teach, and at church he said his friend doesn't have a Book of Mormon (the friend he always brings) so he's doing missionary work but he's not reading the book hahaha. He believes in Christianity but doesn't act on the promises we give him. We're going to break it down super simply tomorrow and lovingly tell him at he will never know that the church is true without reading the Book of Mormon, aka the evidence. The most perfect book of any book on the earth is the way you find out gospel truths. It's the way you learn about life and gain an eternal perspective and understanding. You'll never understand the gospel or even life if you don't read the Book of Mormon. It's very simple! Just read it everyday for even 5 minutes and you'll come to understand it 100% faster than someone who has never read it. But really though we love our investigators and we just need to be a little bit bolder with them. The latter will for sure be baptized. We know he will, he just needs to read the Book of Mormon. He understands the principles and the doctrine, it's just commitments. Besides that not much happened. We had zone conference out in Ube and Kitakyushu is now in Yamaguchi zone for some reason. I also bought some cool socks with just the big toe in it.
I love you all!
Elder Tschirki
Flip Flop Socks
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