Tuesday, November 3, 2015


This week was so good! And it's getting pretty cold here because we're on a peninsula and surrounded by ocean, but Japan is so so so beautiful! We taught three lessons to our new
investigator Mano and he has a loose baptism date now, as in its just the date to aim for and nothing is set in stone. He knows the doctrine very well and understands everything, it's just a matter of taking that step of faith and acting on it. We've been teaching him about how to use the Atonement and how it takes care of anything we've done and any unfair thing that we've had happen to us. I think really it's just acting and personalizing the gospel issue right now. Last time he took the lessons he came to church and didn't relate with anyone and now there are younger people back from missions that can help him in the process. He's a little scared of moving away from family culture which is normal here but he'll be okay.

We went to a place that my companion didn't want to go and the first door we knocked a mom came out, went inside and got her (1/2 Christian daughter (I don't know)) and she has studied Christianity her whole life in school (that's the problem, she needed to come to church! If you study religion in school you'll just get the history, not the whys and hows) but never has gotten any answers and we gave her a Book of Mormon and testified hardcore to her about it and she convictedly said that she would read it and try it and while we couldn't make a return appointment we will be going back on Sunday. She works and goes to college so she's super busy, just like everybody else in this country. But really it is a huge sacrifice here to join the church for cultural, family, religious, work etc. reasons but it's well worth it.

Anyways Flippo Choro goes to the bathroom like 10 times a day and I only go twice but I eat more than double he does and drink at least 8 times what he does, so I'm not sure how that works out. I'm 80 pounds heavier than him! The Halloween party was so much fun and the branch here really puts on a great party! And they always bring dinner too and everything is so oishii. The kids in the branch (the Saito family) are the best. They all dressed up as ninjas with costumes that Saito Kaicho (he's in the district presidency) made and they're so cute! The kids everywhere are so dang cute too. This week we went to MIKANGARI as a branch activity, and mikangari is just picking tangerines and eating as many as you can and we went with members and it was great. It's like a $5 all you can eat orange festival holiday, but it was so fun and we ran into a bunch of kids sledding down the hills and there are acres on acres of orange trees and it was the funnest P-day here too. My Three M's list was created today. Members, Mikans and Mugicha, because that's all you need in life to be happy.

Anyways I love you all!

Elder Tschirki

When it poured all day and we got a rainbow. Ketchup and mustard AKA we are getting new rain gear soon.
 Last week at a cool Jenja
 Halloween party

He gave me a pin from a jamboree and he's a stud. Scouts is decently big here, especially with nonmembers. They came up to us and asked for us to take pictures with them, probably because we are tall gaijins.

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