Sunday, July 16, 2017


So this is a reference to this cool song that the only words are NEW YORK MIAMI LONDON JUNGLE and its way cool, but as you can see, we travelled a lot this week. It was pretty hectic and busy but its the way it is. So we had Zone Conference in Fukuoka with the Fukuoka and Nagasaki zones and let me just say, Fukuoka is a way dope city. Hakata is the coolest place, I love Fukuoka and could totally live in the suburbs outside of Fukuoka. Actually Fukuoka is like the fastest growing city in Japan I think. Way cool. But anyways they called me on like Tuesday and asked if I could play a musical number and I'm like yeah. But I have no music so like shout out to Durtschi 2.0 I wrote an arrangement of the Baptism rainbow song and I love to see the temple and played it and afterwards Egan shimai testified way hardcore about primary songs and was really teary eyed it was good. But the point is
like there was two days so I prayed way hard to figure something out and put my trust in God and he helped me make a decently good arrangement and was able to play it really well at zone conference. He will help you if you trust him! Just ask and trust! Also, it is like 2
hours north to get to Fukuoka.

Well that was on Thursday. Saturday, the Omuta elders in my district had baptismal interviews so I went down to do this and they both passed! It was very neat to see two people with completely different lives and they are both committed to follow the Savior Jesus Christ
for the rest of their lives. It was a very nice experience and I learned from them too. Isn't it interesting how we are able to learn from people that may not have all the knowledge you have? It's definitely the spirit. Very very good experience. Well Omuta is like almost in Kumamoto, like two hours south. So we came back to Saga and got in a car and drove with a member two hours west to get to Nagasaki for a District Priesthood session and they really emphasized on the importance of doing the simple things. They pulled out a quote from
President Eyring that says if you miss reading the Book of Mormon for even two days in a row, odds are you aren't going to finish it in a year. That was really good. They talked a lot about how they can help less active members and work with the missionaries. That was really good. It was a very good meeting and I learned some Portuguese from the Brazilian elders. Desculpe, eu so gosto de meninas japonesas.

Then we came home in another two hours so this week we had a total of like 11 hours of traveling. That's a ton and takes out a ton of time but despite that we were able to work our hardest and do our best to find people.

That's all that matters. Do your best to live the gospel and love people.

I'm wearing this members vest. He always has this anime pins and stuff haha 
but dang though like look at my thigh gap though  

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