So this week we saw the most horrifyingly disgusting thing on the planet and if you don't want graphic imagery like skip this paragraph but this was a big part of the week so like
申し訳ねーや well so like Saga has tons of turtles right so we are riding home one day and we are in our neighborhood and there is this turtle walking in the street and we were like "aw cute its a Mississippi turtle (the Mississippi turtles have red marks on their eyes and are
physically superior to the native Sagan turtles and have essentially stolen all of the food sources and have taken over Saga, according to our investigator Kenji) and he's walking in the street! He's way far from any river so why is he here?" And so as we rode by we saw that
his shell was smashed in and he was bleeding and his body was like torn in half and his guts were hanging out and were splattered all over the road and stretched out and there was blood everywhere and we realized that this little turtle was ran over by a car or something
and it just tore it apart and it was awful to see a turtle quite literally cut in half but still walking. So that night we were riding and we didn't see the turtle but we saw the guts still, but when we came back we found him. He actually got surprisingly far like probably 30 meters from where he was run over and splattered and ripped asunder. Well the next couple days he was always in slightly different spots and positions but was dead though so then he was clearly in two pieces with nothing inside of him so the crows all got to him. Poor guy. He's gone now, somebody came and cleaned up the scene but literally it was awful. We saw some other turtles that had been run over this week but nothing was as bad as this turtle. Maybe he didn't give heed to the word. DC 6 verse "2 Behold, I am God; give heed unto
my word, which is quick and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword, to the dividing asunder of both joints and marrow; therefore give heed unto my words." That gives new imagery to the scriptures.
Well in case any of you were wondering we were able to get two Nepali dudes to church on Sunday, but one left early haha he was kind of drunk. But the other one was solid and turns out the church recently just published the Book of Mormon into Nepali so that is way sick
right? We were able to give our guy Navin some pamphlets for him and his friends and he was wondering if we had any Sri Lankan stuff for the Christian lady next door who we met and we gave him a Sri Lankan Book of Mormon to give to her and hopefully we can get her to come to church too. We haven't taught the Sri Lankans yet but hopefully we will be able to do that. She pulled out her bible and everything and loves Jesus just like the Nepali dudes. Well actually it was Navin's birthday today so a member wants to drive with us to their way ghetto apartment and give them cake hahahaha like that's chill. Well we taught him the restoration and he read the nepali pamphlet during sacrament and it was really good. He said he really liked all the members and how nice they were and how they all were like a family, he said it was really good and made him feel really good and happy. The power of
members fellow shipping is so really and nothing compares to it. The missionaries may do the teaching but the members have to be there to help. It's a team effort.
We were able to find two other investigators this week also and one is a young mom that comes to our English class and she was a little hesitant at first but we are excited to teach her, hopefully she will continue to learn in the gospel.
Speaking of moms my mom is old haha so is my dad haha they turn 49 and 48 this week respectively so everyone wish those geezers a happy birthday also my brother Jon just turned 17 last week too so he's old also everybody wish them a happy birthday and don't do anything bad for their birthday because my dad will have to interview you because he's
the bishop and that wouldn't be a good birthday present.
I got more books from Oku Kyodai in Naze and you got it, they are conspiracy books so these
are all the books I have acquired from people on my mission so from left to right:
1. Himalayan Holy Person: 1008 quotes (apparently has same power as Jesus but whatever)
*got in Okinawa housing
2. The rape of Nanking isn't real (about how Japan didn't go into China in WW2 and rape
and kill hundreds of thousands of people but that it was an allied propaganda scheme
to make the atomic bombs look better) *also got in okinawa housing on the same day actually
(Rest are from Oku Kyodai)
3/4. The Anatomy of Dependency. It's about the Japanese mindset and psychology
5. Merchant of Death. It's about how War is a business and wont ever end.
6/7. The Art of Loving. It's a psychology book about all the different aspects of love and
what it really is.
8. Psychopath. It's about psychopathology and actually on the cover says that Trump
is a psychopath. Fitting huh.
9. Collapse of Japan 6. Its about how Tokyo is going to be completely destroyed in a massive
earthquake and stuff like that.
10. Why the Japanese people like to flow with the current. It's about Japanese
psychology again
11. The Japanese and the Emperor. It's about the emperor hah Oku Kyodai HATES the
emperor and anything Shinto. So thats that.
12. The Articles of Faith. NOT from Oku, but I did acquire this and its really good.
Shoutout to James E. Talmage. Everyone should read it.
The Sri Lankans and also the awkwardest pic of all time
My comp thinks he's so funny haha its not my fault I'm tired I'm working hard and its pretty hot
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