Tuesday, January 10, 2017


So this week we were way busy and had tons of stuff happen, culminating in the worst p day ever but that's okay. We are watching Finding Dory and it is really lame ha I want today to end way bad but whatever. Anyways I guess I will email about the good things which is just about everything. 

We have two new investigators this week, one is Japanese and one is American. I'll talk about the Japanese one first. We came home early one night and decided to give some people some calls and so I went through a lot of people and nobody answered. It was terrible. But then about a half hour later, we got a call back and this we were able to set up a return appointment with a 24 year old named Yasu. Well, we taught him about God and baptism and he told us that he has two friends that are both return missionaries and that he really admires them and looks up to their example. Because of that he kind of thinks that there might be something in the gospel for him, too. He is pretty interested. The American one is named Andrew. He is married to a less active who is really trying to get her life back and said that there was something missing in her life and she has finally realized that that is the gospel. So when we go over and teach them it is teaching both of them at the same time but it is really good. We taught them the Restoration and they both said that they would read the Book of Mormon and pray. They also said that they might come to church on Sunday, and well sure enough, they came and they told us when we taught them that when they came that they wanted us to sit next to them and be with them the whole time. So we are way tight with them and we are going to extend a baptismal invite to him in the next lesson. They are both in their mid to late twenties. So those were the two main highlights of the week.

Hey Mom, training is going well. It is fun and definitely different. I am the only that knows anything about Japanese and so it is really fun but also hard having to explain everything but it is so important to help a brand new missionary as much as I can and I know that I can be a definite impact in his life. I am not going to lie I probably have some of the better Japanese in the mission and so I hope my companion takes advantage of that. I know I could have taken better advantage of my trainer's Japanese.

Also yesterday for New Year's we woke up way early and saw the sunrise. That is what the whole country does and it is way fun.

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