Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Elder Tschirki's mom here. I forgot about this email. It was the Christmas email so it is a about three weeks out of order... OOPS! 

So yeah it was Christmas and we spent Christmas Eve and Christmas at members houses and had tons of food and feel way sick because yeah American and Japanese food are just a little bit different. But anyways it was a way sick holiday. Got some presents too. Also mom, the book just got here and yeah thanks!

But anyways this week was good and busy. We taught our boy Tamashiro and he is doing well but he flaked on us for church on Sunday and it was really frustrating because he promised me he would be there. But it's okay. But he's so excited and loves the gospel and his life has already changed so much.

Besides that we spent three hours in traffic in a car after spending three hours in Naha which is a half hour away with no traffic the other day to get my comps bike and it was just crazy but we were with my boy Chew who is retired Air Force. He drove us down and everything. So we had a whole day disappear there but it was okay. Good adventure through Okinawa traffic. Also along those lines these drivers in Okinawa are terrible and we almost get hit everyday.

So anyways not much to talk about this week except for it was fun.

Love you all!

We did some caroling together the other night

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