Well we got transfer calls just barely and me and Elder Jo are both staying and will be together for another transfer. The other elders in my district aren't changing at all and actually we are picking up the Omuta Elders from Kumamoto zone and so I now have a six person district which is way dope, I'm pumped because when there's only two other people its kind of like a joke (not really but kind of haha) and yeah that's been the day. So we will see what happens this next transfer.
Anyways the reason why this is called the nature email is because we saw tons of nature happen this week. Starting off with a crane at a river catching a fish and viciously tearing it apart and eating it. There are tons of rivers here; meaning there's tons of animals, fish, carp, bugs, frogs, and snakes, which leads me to the next nature scene. We have out of nowhere started seeing TONS of snakes. Like everywhere we go. Like we were riding and I almost ran over a twenty foot long snake. It was way huge. Probs the longest snake I've ever seen in my life. So the last one has to do with a frog and there was this frog waiting at a red light in the street and it waited til the light turned green and then crossed and almost got run over haha it was funny and so we watched him cross the street. Also there are flies everywhere and we are just riding our bikes and then boom there's like 900 flies on our faces and we are like spitting flies out of our mouths and its gross and sometimes we will just be talking and then
choke on flies and it is terrible haha so much fun. Oh and sometimes we find mud pits and throw rocks into it to see who can make the bigger whole.
Anyways this week was WAY TOO LONG it was straight up one of the longest weeks of my life. Not necessarily negative but it was just so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so long. Probably because we had a lot of go out and knock on doors all day kind of days. The days just wear on and then there's still like 8 more hours. It's funny. It's just life ha.
But despite the long ness of the week, we had some good things happen and got answers to prayers that give much needed light. God is so cool, answering silly little me's prayers that don't even really matter that much but he answers them. Literally you can pray about anything and He will answer you if you have the faith and believe that he will. So life is good.
Anyways we had our way solid golden investigator Hiromatsu San drop us this week. She is getting a job this week and said she would never have time anymore. I don't know if the husband is in the picture or not but she has to work to support the family and so there is really no way that we could meet her anymore. But she promised us that she would continue to read the Book of Mormon until she finished it. She said she loves it so much and wants to know if its true and so I am confident that as she does what she needs to do to learn, she will
learn, and then the missionaries will meet her again at some later point in time and he will be prepared for them. She is just too good of an investigator and person.
Well besides that not too much happened out here. We went out to this far place and there was this ghetto Indo Curry restaurant we decided to eat at and it was pretty good and you could tell just by the location that it wasn't really the busiest place ever and so we ordered TONS OF FOOD. We didn't do it necessarily because it was good but because it was just this Indian couple working there and they cant really speak Japanese at all and odds are is they are sending money back to India for some reason, they usually do, and so we decided that
we would make their day and by tons of stuff. However just know when you get like 5 pieces of free nan they kind of get irritated a little bit because it's not normal to eat that much nan. But that's okay because the nan was way fly. I hope we made there day better and helped out there situation a little bit because even though our stomachs were more than full and this morning I had fiery diarrhea, it just felt right. (Japan doesn't do tips or anything so the only way for them to make money is to sell). So the moral of the story is always try to go out and serve somebody. It will make their day. You don't know what impact it has. Even if its something like ordering a lot of food, or helping a old lady weed her yard, whatever it is, just
do it and it will be worth it.
Love you all!
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