Sunday, November 27, 2016


So I got to Okinawa safe and sound and everything is doing good. It was hard to leave Kagoshima because the best friends of my life live there and it was so sad. So sad. But so me being a good boy I printed out a picture of me and the Sano's and put it in a frame and gave it to them at the bus terminal and they were so happy. PS mom and dad I told them we are coming to Japan in march of 2018 and we'll visit them and they'll take us all over Kagoshima and we'll all take the boat down to Amami together and it's a pretty solid plan. Start saving up for your japan trip by the way because that's going to come sooner than you think and you gotta come back. March has the Sakura and everything and would be the prettiest time to come. Plus it starts warming up. Then I guess we can go from Amami down to Okinawa. We will bring the Palmers with us and it will be the ultimate trip. If you guys wanted to we could come earlier because I get home in July and we could go in the fall. That would be way pretty too. Like November ish. We could come to japan for my birthday and you could drop me off and I can begin life in japan. That is the plan, but it's just a matter of when I come back out here. Probs the sooner the better. Then I can find a wife haha. But anyways leaving Kagoshima was hard. Love that place. It really felt like home. But Okinawa is cool too. It's way different haha.

Anyways the reason I called this email the osprey email is because we're right next to the base and there's these really loud aircraft that fly over without a purpose every 10 minutes and it's really loud and the Okinawans don't like it at all and protest the base a lot but the aircraft looks pretty good though. But they are super loud and sometimes when we're talking to people they fly over and you can't hear and they point at the aircraft and kind of just awkwardly close the door. But the members in both the Japanese ward and the military branch are way solid. But these osprey man, they just have a way of flying through when you're in your personal study too and yeah it's crazy. 

My comp, Elder McColm is awesome and he is a transfer three. I'm his second comp. He's like me when I had elder Horstmeier. He is so cool and I've never had a funnier companion ever. We get along great and some people have problems in two man apartments but we have absolutely no problems and get along so great. We just joke about osprey all the time.

Anyways been more busy here in Futenma than any other area. That also means I'm way tired. I'm so tired. We also have two church services that we go to on sundays which means we're at the church for like eight hours on Sunday. But it's awesome! We have some awesome people that we're working with and as I know them better I will start to talk about them more in the next emails but life is going good.
Elder Tschirki

Picture time!

I made my first okonomiyaki yesterday because my comp has never had it because he is on Okinawa and they don't really have it here. So I said I'd make it and it was WAY good. 
Elder McColm
My district
The Sano's took us to a way sick park last week. Miss them so much
My pic for them that I gave them when I left.


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