Saturday, September 24, 2016

Booah Bounce Ball

So this week we invented a game called BOOAH Bounce Ball and it's way fun and we played for two days in our meal times and at night and quit for injury purposes. I will send a video. Elder Miyagi and I made it one night for fun.

This week was a pretty good one. I'll just talk about the exchange I went on with Elder Harrell. We met a kid on the street that Elder Reed and I met and made an appointment and he said this time that he was busy and that he'd be there on the 24th so he remembered and is looking to it. Then at night we went to this one apartment and met this grandpa and he loves his grandkid and we gave him a Book of Mormon and he asked if we're still have "many wives" and so we thought that this was just going to be another antimormon thing and we explained that we don't and we don't support it either and he said "I think we should start polygamy again. The population is dying and nobody has kids. Of course your wife would get mad but it's better for society." And that kind of thing and he was way funny and we just chatted with him. Then we went to another apartment and the first person that we talked to said that we came last week. We almost left but decided to stay and met a Seventh Day Adventist that says we can come over anytime and talk about Jesus and he sang for us. Cool guy but had been drinking a little. Paul condemns drinking in the bible buddy. But we might definitely go back. He's way open to listening to us. Then we met a 19 year old kid that is way cool and rich and says he's worrying about the future and what to do for his job and family and stuff. So needless to say we talked to him for a while and he loves us and wants
to learn and go out to eat and stuff. So we definitely met the people we needed to. But the polygamy dude was way fun.

This week is way fun. Our investigators are going well.  We had three investigators come to church which is my highest ever, and including a crazy dude from Amami named Sakuyama. He's way good at guitar and pretty good at English. Keep up the hard work people.

Elder Tschirki 君を愛してるよ

Ps we found a go go curry but it's in taniyama and we went to it with
a less active.

The branch here. The normal pics were fuzzy so this is the best one
 Tomato ramen after district meeting. Me and my boy
Booah Bounce Ball

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