Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Crazy Grandmas and Grandpas Everywhere

This week was an interesting one, as in a lot of weird things happened. MOM AND DAD I FORGOT THIS STORY TOO SO YOU HAVE TO READ THIS. The first crazy thing that happened is we think we found a habu while he were in the mountains. It was in the little stream by these ghetto mountain houses so we walked up to this grandpa and we were like "yo, there might be a Habu (super poisonous snake that kills people) but we aren't sure. Come check it out." So he came, and then walked inside of his friends house, yelled at him to come out, and he was also a lovely grandpa figure but without a shirt on, because this is Amami. So they looked at the snake, couldn't figure out if it was habu, but on the chance that it was they picked up rocks and started throwing them at it. Like in the Bible when the Jews stoned everyone. And then they were like "let's go get some poles" so they grabbed these metal poles that were 'conveniently' the right size and the pinned the snake and smashed it's head and killed it. We filmed it because how many times are you going to see two grandpas, one without a shirt, speaking a random island language kill a super poisonous snake in a river by their house? Probably never. So that was the best part of the week. It was really entertaining, and no, we did not participate in the killing, we were just watching because we found it. 
THEN, a few days later, we were out in this one place and this grandma came up to talk to us and she can't really hear but she was really happy and she told us that the house we were on the street next to was hers and she started hitting it with her umbrella to get her husbands attention. Well, he can't hear either (both can speak perfectly well though). So she took us to her house, and we thought well this can't be that bad, so we went and went inside and the dad was just in apron and boxers, and they were just yelling at each other because neither of them can hear, and she tried to show us around her house and different rooms and he would just walk around yelling that they didn't have anything and they were poor and he wanted to give us food and she wanted to too and they didn't really have much so we didn't take anything but the Japanese medicine drinks (Norie Chizuko know what I'm talking about, in the small brown glass bottles and they're about 150 yen or so) and I really like those and they insisted so I didn't have any problem. Also I drank two in a day once and nothing bad happened to me so I think that's a myth that drinking two in a day is bad. Anyways, we left and as we were walking to our bikes, well Grandma followed us. This is when we realized that she probably has short term memory loss too. She tried to get us to go back into her house and meet her husband and give us food and told the exact same story about her kids about 10 times and so we walked back to her house because she was going to get her husband to say goodbye to us and she would signal us to come in and we would signal that we needed to go and she would come back out and talk to us about the same kid in Kagoshima that's a teacher, again and again. So at this point we don't want to be rude and so we keep on listening. Well about 30 minutes have past and finally the grandpa husband comes out and waves goodbye so we think that we are free and can go so we hurry down to our bikes, and get on, and just as we are about to ride off to the next place we wanted to go, well guess who comes down the street. Grandma again, and she's dancing! So we started dancing too and told he we need to go and got on our bikes again and hen she realized that we were going and said thank you and how she was happy we came and told us to come back again and then said goodbye and we left. Well that's the end of grandma and grandpa but not the end of the weird. So we go to our next place and they're having a matsuri, or like a festival party thing and we were like shoot, there's nobody in these apartments, so we bought some shaved ice and thought about how we should spend our last hour of the night when some grandpas get on the stage and they start rocking out hard. They had drums, electric guitars and everything, and they were GOOD. They were seriously very talented, and none of them were younger than 65 I would say. So that was cool. Then we visited a less active, the same one that we visited last week that I got music stuff from, Ueno Kyodai, and went home. Well if you think that that is the end of the shenanigans on Naze, you're wrong. So tomorrow we have a meeting in Kagoshima, which means we take an overnight boat to get there because we are on a tiny island, so we called the assistants to the president yesterday to get our travel plans, and as they were checking, they realized no boat leaves on Monday, and so they said they had to rush us and pack us and get us on the boat yesterday night. Well it was the afternoon so it wasn't that big of a deal but the plans completely changed, and the Sano couple are coming too so we had to call them and she said there IS a boat tomorrow, so she called the office, and then they wanted her number, and then Sano Shimai and the Assistants worked everything out and then they both called us and it turns out that we really are leaving today, after we packed and got everything ready yesterday. So life has been crazy. And then we got some phone calls from President Egan, and getting calls from the President isn't really typical so I answered and he's going to try to come down here for church and see how everything is going down here, but he didn't say when. So that's what's been going on lately. 

Anyways, this week our investigator Akira, before we even taught the word of wisdom, told us that because he read the Book of Mormon and prayed everyday he had been helped from God to overcome his smoking and coffee addictions. BEFORE we even taught anything about it. Well perfect timing because that was the next lesson. And it was an even bigger surprise because he actually read the places we gave him to read and prayed every day. So that was the real highlight of the week! He is such a stud. It may be hard for him to quit smoking, but he quit alcohol a long time ago, and I really believe that God is helping him along the way. He helps us all and we don't even realize it until we look back and see that He has been there the whole time. 

Also this week was my year mark. That was really weird. I have a year, and then the rest of my life in Japan so I'm not too worried about that. 

Love you all!
餡土龍 K. 赦輝長老


Basic, but the best graffiti I've seen in Japan.
Pretty good "no sales" sign

Grandpas killing potential habu. Probably been doing it from the time they were kids with their dads.

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