Well as the subject says, I'm leaving
Kagoshima.... after two transfers. But I'm going down to the island
of........ OKINAWA wooooooo. And I'm going to Futenma area, which has a
military base, so this will be interesting. Two wards to take care of.
Obviously the Japanese side is better so I'm excited for that. I will
still be district leader and apparently right now futenma is doing
really good and has had a ton of baptisms recently. I will have a young
companion. He is transfer three next transfer. Should be an adventure!
But because of transfers, that means I'm leaving Kagoshima and the
beautiful Sakurajima and the Sano family, and my wonderful
investigators, but I'm not worried about any of them. They'll all end up
great. Except for sakurajima. It is an active volcano that hasn't
exploded in a while so it should happen. It usually just blows up ash
and soot though and turns the whole city black and I wasn't here when
that happened.. but anyways yeah I'm leaving the cooling down autumn
weather of Japan and flying down to the hot weather of Okinawa. Should
be fun!
week we couldn't meet with our boy Akira kun. Something came up and he
couldn't come to basketball or the lesson. But he can't get baptized
until January so we're not worried. Things come up, and life happens. We
also met with Tsuruda and that was good. We talked with him about
charity and such and helped him get on track to become more loving with
people as the Savior is. He took it really well. He isn't mean to people
at all, more like afraid. He doesn't connect well with Japanese people
and doesn't want people to get mad at him. He's finished all the lessons
and wants to get baptized but this is pretty much his last hurdle. So
we're working with him. Besides that we didn't teach any other
investigators I don't think. The weeks are so full and busy I don't
remember, I need to look at my planner to remember.
the highlight of the week was something that people may not think of as
a highlight, but it was we went to a funeral for a 92 year old member
that passed away. She's been strong in the gospel for so long. I don't
think I ever actually met her, but her daughter, who is the branch
presidents wife, wanted us to come last second, and so everyone else had
a ride except for me and elder Tofa. We were calling people and nobody
could go. So I prayed in the morning before my studies that if we needed
to be there, God would give us a way, and if we weren't supposed to be
there then we wouldn't go. Well about an hour later a member calls and
says something along the lines of "I wasn't going to go but I decided
that I should go and bring you two with me." Later in the car he said "I
thought about it and I needed to serve you two and also the family at
the funeral so I came." That is a literal answer to a prayer and then a
faithful person on the other end that gets the prompting to act and does
it. That's pretty much textbook. It was such a neat experience. And
then the funeral was great. Surprisingly, they didn't cremate the body,
and had a casket burial. Interesting in Japan.
yesterday morning elder Tofa got a call from Kaicho and it turns out
he's training and I didn't know where I was going and so I just wanted
to pack because it was raining pretty hard and you know, nobody likes to
be soaked in a suit. Well I didn't get my wish and we rode out to a
place that's thirty or so minutes away and so obviously we're soaked and
I wasn't so happy and then we had to ride up a mountain in the rain and
my comp got off his bike (I didn't see) and I kept going all the way
up. Well I get to the top and I'm just chilling for like twenty minutes
at a dry cleaners because they had a canopy thing, soaking wet, without a
companion and tired and a little mad. Well I'm sitting there and I
figured my companion walked up or something, and just as they say in Boy
Scouts, if you're lost from your group, don't go anywhere. Stay where
you are. So that's what I did. (See dad I learned lots in scouts) and I
said a prayer to God and I told him I didn't want to be mad or sad or
anything and that I really wanted to have a good attitude. Well as soon
as I finished, a person comes up and asks if I know a member and I said
yeah and they said they're best friends with them. Way nice people. Then
a couple minutes later elder Tofa walks up with an umbrella and he's
happy and I felt happy too and wasn't even upset anymore and even though
it rained all day and we could wring the water out of our suits, it was
a fun day, from like 2:30 onward. So I had a couple really cool
experiences this week about prayer. It can literally change you. God
wants to help you but sometimes you just have to be humble and ask. God
is great.
Love you all
Elder Tschirki
Way pretty sunrise from the apartment
Last pic of me and sakurajima.
Some huge statues we found. Not even big though. This is like one you could have at your house.
I'm mad at my mom because we never had spam growing up. Spam is great.