So for those of you that dont know what
the relief society is, it is the oldest standing women's organization in
the world ran by the LDS church and it is for women 18 and up. Well the
reason I call my email this is because it is a joke and I feel like a
relief society president because there's more sisters here than elders
and they just kind of tell us what to do and sometimes there's a little
drama and some other stuff and me and my companion, elder McColm are
both kind of chill and so we are just like okay and do it. But yeah I
dont recommend being in charge of a bunch of 20 year old girls. Men dont
know how they think or anything so its sometimes fun. No problems
though. Everything is good here in Okinawa.
we had some interesting experiences this week. We met a lady that told
us she hates us because we're American and then explained why. And then
the next day we met an old Okinawan dude (they are ethnically different
than Japanese people) and he said he loves American people and hates
Japanese people and then explained why. So as you can see there are the
extremes on both sides and they both have good and bad points to their
arguments. So were just kind of like "we aren't associated with anyone
we are just missionaries" and so usually the people here like the
missionaries. So unfortunately we haven't had anything negative happen
to us. On a side note, my number two place that I wanted to go on my
mission to was Russia because it is crazy and I wanted to get kidnaped
out there and have a cool story. But instead I went to the safest
country in the world with 2 gun homicides a year and its a good life
down here.
We also did the
worldwide day of service and we did it all day long and it was really
good. Service is how we help other people feel Gods love for them. This
christmas season, if everyone could find little things of service to do
it makes a big difference in everyone's individual lives.
we found someone that gave us a book about how research shows that
Japan didn't invade and kill hundreds of thousands of people in China
during WW2 and how that was a fabricated lie by the Allied forces to
cover for the Atomic bombs. So obviously we gave her stuff about Jesus.
Then, later in the same day, someone else gave us books two from some
religious leader and we couldn't really turn them down and its either a
Japanese person or a Himalayan person but whatever its cool and she was
nice and we cant read it on our missions anyways so it doesn't matter
there's a lot of crazy people out here but thats okay. Crazy people are
the best.
we have had the opportunity to work with a few less active people and
its really interesting to see that pretty much anyone that falls into
inactivity still has a testimony and knowledge of the church and its
truth. It shows how even anyone that has gone on a mission or whatever
can fall into inactivity for literally no reason. Its really sad but can
happen to anyone. But the Lord has promised through the prophets and
apostles that if you read the book of Mormon and pray everyday then you
will never fall into inactivity. Its true. Its so simple but nobody on
earth is too busy to not find time to read and pray.
Service at a member's house plus being sick
Who would have thought that my first catfish would be in Japan...
Got another birthday gift from a member in Kagoshima. Miss that place so much. Kagoshima and Amami are my home.
A cool shrine by where we live
Cutest kids ever